It's Baking Time!!

Yesterday, I was invited for a baking session at Keith's house. Xin Yi, Ruey Ching and Kaa Yean tagged along. All of us are the ex-librarians in secondary school. I feel surprised at the first place when they called me because I never knew they can cook and bake. It was funny looking at them preparing the ingredients.

Take a look at the messy table! They planned to bake pizza, cookies and cupcakes! Oh well, frankly speaking I did not put high hope on that. But they proved me that I'm wrong! They can bake, seriously. And I start missing the pizza and cupcakes already!!! *mouth watering*

Let me introduce the PRO chef of the Day~

Keith Low - The cookies maker (which is the most failure one. Teehee)

The cookies dough with chocolate chips~

It looks like CHIPSMORE!

Now you know why I said it's a failure. Burnt chipsmore. Ugh.

Kaa Yean - The cupcakes maker! (Not kidding, he can open a bakery already.)

Well, everyone has it's first time.

The result for the second attempt was satisfying!

Ruey Ching - The pizza maker!!! (It's so delicious! can you bake one for me again, please?)
 *with watery eyes*

Nugget, capsicum, crab meat, Prego sauce and......

More and more cheeseeeee~~

The home made Pizza !!! Yummylicious~

Xin Yi and me were busy camwhoring while they baking.
But wait, I've got put in some effort for the pizza dough lo!!

I shall take the recipe from them and try to bake on my own.
Anyone feel like trying? Kindly leave your comment here. But I will not take the consequences after you try. Muahahaha.

We went to Greenbox @ Aeon for singing session right after we finish the pizza. Finally I bought a lovely pressie for my precious girl whose birthday falls on 12 Dec. I know it's pretty late now but better than nothing right? I truly hope that you will like it, Reese 

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