Transformer FEVER!!!!

Everyone was crazy for it~~ Yea, transformer 2-revenge of the Fallen was on show! Everyone was asking:"have u watched transformer 2?" instead of "how r u today?".
Well, it was an awesome movie. Besides the amazing graphic design, the flow of the story was just nice, romantic and touching... And, the sport car before the autobot transformed so yeng la.. How wish i can own it. ><. I watched this movie with my babes, hui min, chiew wei, kher jiet(min's cousin), kok aun and yy at jusco. Fortunately we still managed to get the tikets at 4th row from the screen. It's not so comfortable sitting so near the screen, but better then no seat right? As we seldom go jusco, we were unsure about getting our way back to kampar. Thanks to our dearest, Mr. tyy for bringing us a one day trip of ipoh since he pointed a wrong way for me. .

To our hero, Michael Jackson~

You will stay in everyone's heart forever and ever.
May you rest in peace...

1 comment:

ღღLinGLinGღღ said...

wahahahaha....transformer!!!SOIK AR!!!!!!!! i like it....