OneFM @ Ktar


This is a very random post with random people went to random event.

It was the first time I stepped into Ktar although I've been living in Kampar for 3 years.
The first impression Ktar gave me was it's kinda hospital look alike.
Since there's nothing better to do in the weekend, we decided to join the OneFM event in Ktar,
It was supposed to be fun and enjoyable. But, I didn't feel it either. Free gifts are available, provided you are able to grab it first and fast. All the people surrounded me are crazy, everyone pushing each other. I feel breathless and I decided to quit. What the hell risk your life just to grab a Ecobag, notebook or headphone printed with OneFm logo? *shake head* It's totally worthless for me.

In frank, I'm going because I thought it was something like mini concert which invited some of my favorite singers. Well, I feel disappointed  in the first place and feel it was actually wasting my time. The only thing I feel worthy is able to get a chance to visit Ktar and take some lovely photos with my buddy. The photos above give me some feel of back to oldies time. I miss the long bench in my primary school which I used to have my lunch and gossip with  friends. I love balloons. I love colorful stuff. I want to paint my life with colors.

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